社交媒体广告, 尤其是在Facebook上, 现在占据了整个广告市场的很大一部分. Last year, Facebook alone accounted for nearly 21% of all money spent on digital ads in the U.S.研究公司eMarketer的数据显示. 而中小企业是这一份额的重要组成部分, with Facebook unveiling a new set of tools for just this segment at its annual developer conference in May.

如果你不熟悉社交媒体上的广告, 你面临的第一个挑战是设定初始预算. And once you’ve cleared that hurdle, how do you track whether the investment is paying off for you?

幸运的是, social media networks are some of the most accessible advertising options for small- to medium-sized businesses. 他们提供目标定位和跟踪工具,任何人都可以学会使用, 最初的预算可以低到每天一美元.

对于Sugar Land的2021十大正规彩票app经纪人Karla Arjona来说,这就足够了.


自2015年以来,Arjona一直在Facebook上做广告, 她的预算也随着该平台的每日最低支出浮动, 以前是5美元/天,现在是1美元/天.

“It’s worked beautifully to increase exposure on my Facebook page,阿尔乔纳说. “我并没有真正增加

Targeting your sphere is a good way to start advertising on Facebook for a low initial budget, Aarin Chung说, Honey Bar Media的首席执行官和社区影响者秀的创造者, 一个2021十大正规彩票app营销播客. 这个策略可能包括向你的Facebook粉丝做广告, 用你的电子邮件列表创建Facebook受众, or embedding a pixel on your website to retarget visitors when they log into Facebook.

“One dollar a day is more than sufficient to stay top of mind with those in your sphere,” says Chung. “这些人了解你,喜欢你,信任你——对你来说是非常火热的观众.”
从那里, Chung recommends reaching out to what she terms warm audiences: those who’ve seen your signs or heard your name but aren’t a lead yet.

布丽姬特Goodenbour, Pearland的REALTOR®, uses Facebook ads as part of a multi-pronged marketing approach that also includes signs, 其他营销材料, 网络事件, 开放的房子, 敲门声. She spends an average of $2 per day on Facebook ads with the goal of building brand awareness and familiarizing potential clients with her website.

她的线索可能已经暴露在她的营销活动的多个方面. “你可以想象,有很多交叉,”古登堡说. “总之,这给我打上了当地专家的烙印.”

The less familiar an audience is with you, the more it will cost to reach, according to Chung. Warm audiences may take up to $5 per day to effectively reach on Facebook, she says. Those who are completely unfamiliar with you—a cold audience in Chung’s terms—are the most expensive to reach and convert. 如果使用得当, 然而, 每天5到10美元就足够在Facebook上向冷冰冰的用户做广告了, 钟说.


Facebook为你的活动提供了大量参数和数据. 数字广告的常用指标包括点击率(CTR)。, 每次点击成本(CPC), 每次获取成本, 成本/ 1,000 impressions (CPM)—all of which are calculated for you in Facebook’s Ad Manager.

特拉维斯托姆, 他是Facebook上针对2021十大正规彩票app经纪人的营销策略师, tracks the 点击率s and conversion rates of campaigns for his clients. 因为这些通常是使用Facebook的引导性广告形式的引导性广告活动, 点击率衡量打开表单的点击次数, and the conversion rate would measure how many users finished and submitted the form.

“我们寻找的行业基准点击率是1%,”Thom说. “如果低于这个水平, 有些东西偏离了目标, 广告文案没有引起观众的共鸣.”

Facebook给每个广告的相关性打分,从1到10. The relevance score reflects how positively Facebook expects your target audience to respond to the ad, 10是最高的. “如果你的相关性得分为7分或更高, 你知道你在做正确的事情,钟说.

托姆说 you can get an idea of how the campaign is going to perform after it has reached around 2,500年印象. 在此之前,Facebook仍处于学习阶段. 然后你就可以开始评估范围了, 频率(用户看到广告的频率), AD的相关度评分, 以及点击率或其他衡量广告参与度的指标.

If you use other automated systems as part of your marketing—automated text messages, 事务性的邮件, 等.-跟踪这些转化. Thom追踪Facebook内外的转化率, 计算每个家庭观看预约或列出演示文稿作为转换.

在评估每次获取成本时, you need to keep in mind the overall cost to convert a warm lead versus a cold lead, 据汤姆说. 即使你的广告是相关的, setting your budget too low may allow other advertisers to outbid you for the leads most likely to take action. “如果你在拍卖的底部钓鱼, 你可能会对低质量的前景感到失望,汤姆说。.

Tracking the revenue generated by Facebook advertising down to the click or conversion can be helpful, 托姆说, 但是你需要大量的数据来获得一个准确的视图. “如果你进行一个月的竞选活动, 然后在60天后测量, 这个时间太短了,他说. Six months is a more realistic time span to evaluate the effectiveness and return of an ongoing campaign, 据汤姆说.


“理想情况下,是的,我希望转换成交易,”阿尔乔纳说. 但她在Facebook上的竞选活动侧重于品牌推广和扩大她的受众, 印象是她最密切关注的指标.

“我的成功来自于人们看到我的广告, 在别的地方找我, 阅读我的评论, 然后给我打电话,给我一个和他们一起工作的机会,阿尔乔纳说.

像Arjona, Goodenbour的社交媒体广告侧重于品牌推广, 但她确实会追踪她的客户来自哪里. “虽然我的大部分业务是来自我的客户和网络的推荐, approximately 25% of my business has mentioned to me that they saw me on social media, 即使这不是他们最终直接与我合作的方式,古登堡说.

跟踪转换率, 每次收购成本, 每次点击收益, 其他指标也很重要, 钟说, 但她告诉自己的客户,不要过于关注个人指标. 她说,买房是一个非常复杂的决策过程. You can’t treat it the same way as you would an impulse buy from an ad in your news feed.

如果你得到反馈,你就会知道你的社交媒体广告是有效的, 在开始一个活动后的几个小时内会发生什么. If you’re advertising to hot audiences, your phone will start ringing, 钟说. 适合热和冷的观众, 反馈可能是人们注册了你的时事通讯, 登记以获得开放参观日名单, 或者你的广告旨在促进的任何互动. 如果你在活动的前几天没有得到任何反馈, 检查你的广告的相关性得分, 点击率, 或者其他你想要改变的指标.

当看房人数开始减少时, Arjona将在Facebook上投放广告,推广该特定房产. “通常当我开始播放广告时,放映量又会增加,”她说.

“So even if those agents aren’t telling me they saw the ad, I know that it’s generating showings.”



点击/印象或视图× 100

点击率衡量的是你的受众点击广告的比例. 较低的点击率(1%是基准)可能表明需要进行改进, 虽然较高的比率可能表明需要进一步投资.



Cost per click and 每次点击收益 measure how much money each individual click costs or brings in, 平均. These metrics can show whether a campaign can be expected to be revenue positive, but be careful not to underestimate the revenue attributable to the campaign and otherwise discount a successful effort.


独立操作次数/独立访问次数x 100

The conversion rate is the percentage of your audience who follows through on the action you want them to take. 例如, 如果你有Facebook广告的话, the conversion rate would be [People who completed the form] / [Unique reach of that ad] x 100.



The 每次收购成本 is how much it costs to get a user to take your desired action, 比如填写一份导购表格. CPA可以用来比较活动, 渠道, 或者彼此之间的策略,或者跟踪同一活动的时间.


(收益-成本)/成本× 100

评估你的营销计划或它的任何方面, 你需要知道回报是否大于成本. ROI计算利润或损失与原始成本的比率.