
各位,塑形德州会议很成功! / 2,来自全国各地的000名2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®在圣安东尼奥会面,以获得灵感, 获得新技能, 建立联系. 以下是会议亮点:


主讲人 威廉H. 麦克雷文,退休U.S. 海军四星上将,前德克萨斯大学校长, inspired attendees with the valuable life lessons he gained from training with the Navy SEALs. 他分享了几个关于团队合作重要性的故事, 接受帮助, 承担风险, 希望的价值, 从失败中学习. He also spoke about discipline and how something as simple as making a bed perfectly can lead to future growth. “学会正确地做小事,你就能学会正确地做大事。,他对只有站着的观众说.


会议包括教育会议, 面板, forums offering actionable advice and covering the latest real estate trends.

人工智能是今年的热门话题. During “The Digital Age Brokerage,” Marion Napoleon focused on how technology can save brokers time. “把人工智能想象成你自己的个人机器人,她在谈到管理联系人时说, 交易, data, 以及其他经纪职责. In the “Leveraging AI and the Latest Technologies to Improve Your Business” session, Cassandra Davis解释了如何使用ChatGPT, 比如与其他应用程序集成, 自动化工作流, 利用聊天机器人来最大化你的营销. Davis还讨论了其他人工智能工具, 如何避免侵犯版权, 以及事实核查的重要性.

行动和情感是你最好的记忆助手 克雷格·克劳斯他是Direct Development Training的所有者和创始人. Krause offered ways to improve your memory and presentations in the “Memory Power: Mastering Your Memory” session.

姜昂格尔, Secor One商业集团的所有者, 在“b区块链的影响”上发表了对新型数字货币的见解, 加密, 和nft对2021十大正规彩票app交易和购买的影响 & 使用非传统支付方式销售商业地产.

“第二代空间是黄金,”他说 维克多L. 亨利 唐·奎克 & Associates at the “Tenant Responsibility: 商业 Real Estate Management” session. “如果它是作为餐厅建造的,那么一个新的餐厅租户很容易,”他说. 亨利介绍了商业租赁, 解释了选择租客时要考虑的因素, 并讨论了租户常犯的错误.

在“2021十大正规彩票app”期间 & Homelessness: Understanding the Impact of 商业 Properties on Housing Insecurity,” 罗伯特·G. Marbut小. Ph.D. from Marbut Consulting debunked some homelessness myths and spoke on the cost of homelessness and creating safe spaces.

妮可Nosek, 德州人合理解决方案委员会主席, 内森·戈顿, Washington REALTORS®政府事务总监, were on the panel of a session titled “The Price is Too Dang High: Policymaking for Housing Affordability.“他们热衷于住房的可负担性、可获得性和可持续性.

在“公平住房如何真正影响我”这一环节中? 《基础及超越》 Allison犁沃伦·卡伦(Warren Kalyan)的合伙人 & Mattocks, stated that there were over 31,000 complaints of housing discrimination reported in the U.S. in 2021. 马托克斯解释了如何保护自己, 你的业务, 为你的社区提供机会均等的住房.


在整个会议期间, meetings started with remembrances for several leaders who recently passed away:

  • Mark Lehman, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®前政府事务副总裁
  • Richard Miranda, Regional Vice President and former Chairman of Houston Association of REALTORS®
  • George Stephens, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®前主席.


A.J. 罗德里格斯, Executive Vice President of Texas 2036—a nonpartisan organization on policy to meet the needs of our growing population—gave a presentation about how the organization is looking to the 200th birthday of Texas in 2036 as a milestone to achieve progress to ensure Texas remains the best place to live and work. The organization focuses on data-driven solutions to challenges facing the state.

“Every legislative session we’ve ever had and will have, there are contentious issues. 解决这个问题的方法就是数据。. 该组织的数据对公众开放. “我们希望人们在数据上挑战我们,因为我们想把数据做对. Work with us to build this civic demand that we need to focus on issues that we need to solve.”

吉莉安血性小子, Civic Genius的执行董事, 一个全国性的无党派公民参与组织, spoke about how to bring people together in an increasingly polarized environment. She pointed out that the United States is not the first country to experience political polarization, 她还分享了其他国家取得重大进展的例子. Some of the steps she outlined to bring people together included identifying a common goal and seeing the other side’s humanity.

这是一场Pitch Battle!

奥斯丁 Board of REALTORS®首席执行官 艾米丽Chenevert 参加第二届年度德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®/REACH Labs创新展示会. Four start-ups that have participated in the NAR REACH Labs program pitched their products before a panel of three judges, “鲨鱼池”风格. NEO, 首创地产, Homematchx, 墨水 其中,Pivo2021十大正规彩票app获得了最多的观众投票. (详情见 位.ly / 2023 trshowcase.)


Attendees enjoyed a festive night and dressed in costume for a Great Gatsby/Roaring ’20s-themed 安装联欢晚会. 全国2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会主席特蕾西·卡斯帕任命了2024名执行委员会成员, 区域副总裁,以及德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®官员: 詹妮弗Wauhob 部长/财务主管, 克里斯蒂格斯 当选主席,以及 杰夫康涅狄格州) 担任董事长. (未能出席此次活动的是2024年的前任主席马库斯·菲普斯.)

Conn spoke about the importance of recognizing others for their service to the association. “如果你看到什么好东西,就说些好东西,”他提议道. He encouraged attendees to go beyond thanking fellow volunteers in the REALTOR® association to also include spouses, 合作伙伴, 你办公室的同事, everyone who makes it possible for REALTORS® to give their time to volunteer in the association.


在周六, 会员们蜂拥而至,参加有100多家供应商参加的贸易博览会, 赠品, 还有一只机械公牛. And three lucky members won prizes for visiting all the stops on the expo’s Treasure Hunt.


德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®董事会开会分享最新消息, 概述委员会的活动, 并提供预算概述.

NAR 2023-2024总统 特蕾西·卡斯帕 spoke on the whirlwind of events and challenges that brought her to her position earlier than expected. Kasper acknowledged that members and staff of the national association were hurting. “我们将看到巨大的变化,”她承诺. “我们将一起度过难关,团结一致,因为我们是2021十大正规彩票app经纪人.”

帕特。法雷尔,圣安东尼奥,和 Jay Gohil, 奥斯丁, 获颁协会杰出服务奖, 表彰为行业和社区服务的职业.

凯蒂·巴罗, Beaumont Board of REALTORS® 安吉拉Brutsche, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®市场营销和传播副总裁, were honored for earning the REALTORS® Association Certified Executive (RCE) designation.


  • Amendments to the 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® Bylaws to reflect changes to 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® regions and update language to clarify the process for removal of a leader, 生效日期为12月1日, 2023.
  • 2024年预算周期,每位REALTOR®会员的法律基金评估为5美元.
  • 问题 Mobilization/Political Advocacy Fund (IMPAF) assessment of $30 per REALTOR® member for the 2024 budget cycle.

动议没有导致会费的增加. 会员费将保持不变.

In addition to announcing the newly elected Credentials Committee and hearing reports from the association’s committees, 特拉维斯凯斯勒, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®总裁/首席执行官, 2021十大正规彩票app商业研究所(REBI)捐赠了14美元,500美元捐给德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®赈灾基金.